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Shane & Emma's Smallholding



Biodiesel Workshop

One day workshop on how to make biodiesel.


This workshop will cover all aspects of biodiesel, and you will get to make a batch of finished biodiesel on the day.

The workshop will focus on how to make biodiesel from waste vegetable oil (WVO) as I find this is a really good way to demonstrate all of the different areas of the process, we'll also discuss the process with straight vegetable oil (SVO). 

I use an ION exchange unit to finish my biodiesel (final stage before using in the car), basically a small tower filled with a purification resin (Purolite PD206). Purolite PD206 is used in columns to polish contaminants derived in biodiesel production to meet European / USA standards. It is primarily used to remove glycerine, soaps and water.

Using the ION exchange unit means that I no longer need to "water" wash the biodiesel diesel following glycerine separation, making a long process much shorter. Although I don’t use the "water" wash in the process we will cover this topics in the workshop, allowing for a more complete understanding. 

We will also cover:-  

Collection of oil - Where and how to collect oil, and some of the techniques you can employ.
Settling tanks - Why we use a settling tank.
Titration test – What is a Titration test and how to perform one.
Wash & Bubble wash – Discussion around these topics.
ION Exchange units – Understanding what is happening, the costs of using it and how to re-charge with resin.
Biodiesel reactor - Discussion about my reactor, how it works, how it was constructed, costs, location of parts etc.
Making Biodiesel - During the day we will make a batch of biodiesel.
Duty (tax) – How much biodiesel can be made duty free, and when and how much duty must be paid.

The workshop starts around 10am through to 4pm lunch and refreshments will be included and will cost you the princely sum of £80 per person.

Emma, Finley and I are always interested in hearing from any likeminded folk If you would like to attend this workshop please contact us by e-mailing me at shane@durston.org.uk  or by phone on 07810 562891



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